Fast food behind Obese |
Evaluation and Management of Obesity: Introduction
Over 66% of U.S. adults are currently categorized as overweight or obese, and the prevalence of obesity is increasing rapidly throughout most of the industrialized world. Based on statistics from the World Health Organization, overweight and obesity may soon replace more traditional public health concerns such as undernutrition and infectious diseases as the most significant contributors to ill health. Children and adolescents are also becoming more obese, indicating that the current trends will accelerate over time. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of multiple health problems, including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, degenerative joint disease, and some malignancies. Thus, it is important for physicians to routinely identify, evaluate, and treat patients for obesity and associated comorbid conditions.
Obesity: Treatment
The Goal of Therapy
The primary goal of treatment is to improve obesity-related
comorbid conditions and reduce the risk of developing future comorbidities.
Information obtained from the history, physical examination, and diagnostic
tests is used to determine risk and develop a treatment plan . The
decision of how aggressively to treat the patient, and which modalities to use,
is determined by the patient's risk status, expectations, and available
resources. Therapy for obesity always begins with lifestyle management and may
include pharmacotherapy or surgery, depending on BMI risk category .
Setting an initial weight-loss goal of 10% over 6 months is a realistic
Lifestyle Management
Obesity care involves attention to three essential elements
of lifestyle: dietary habits, physical activity, and behavior modification.
Because obesity is fundamentally a disease of energy imbalance, all patients
must learn how and when energy is consumed (diet), how and when energy is
expended (physical activity), and how to incorporate this information into their
daily life (behavior therapy). Lifestyle management has been shown to result in
a modest (typically 3–5 kg) weight loss compared to no treatment or usual
Diet Therapy
The primary focus of diet therapy is to reduce overall
calorie consumption. The NHLBI guidelines recommend initiating treatment with a
calorie deficit of 500–1000 kcal/d compared to the patient's habitual diet. This
reduction is consistent with a goal of losing approximately 1–2 lb per week.
This calorie deficit can be accomplished by suggesting substitutions or
alternatives to the diet. Examples include choosing smaller portion sizes,
eating more fruits and vegetables, consuming more whole-grain cereals, selecting
leaner cuts of meat and skimmed dairy products, reducing fried foods and other
added fats and oils, and drinking water instead of caloric beverages. It is
important that the dietary counseling remains patient-centered and that the
goals are practical, realistic, and achievable.
The macronutrient composition of the diet will vary
depending on the patient's preference and medical condition. The 2005 U.S.
Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Chap. 70), which
focus on health promotion and risk reduction, can be applied to treatment of the
overweight or obese patient. The recommendations include maintaining a diet rich
in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and dietary fiber; consuming two servings
(8 oz) of fish high in omega 3 fatty acids per week; decreasing sodium to
<2300 mg/d; consuming 3 cups of milk (or equivalent low-fat or fat-free dairy
products) per day; limiting cholesterol to <300 mg/d; and keeping total fat
between 20 and 35% of daily calories and saturated fats to <10% of daily
calories. Application of these guidelines to specific calorie goals can be found
on the website The revised Dietary
Reference Intakes for Macronutrients released by the Institute of Medicine
recommends 45–65% of calories from carbohydrates, 20–35% from fat, and 10–35%
from protein. The guidelines also recommend daily fiber intake of 38 g (men) and
25 g (women) for persons over 50 years of age and 30 g (men) and 21 g (women)
for those under 50.
Since portion control is one of the most difficult
strategies for patients to manage, the use of pre-prepared products, such as
meal replacements, is a simple and convenient suggestion. Examples include
frozen entrees, canned beverages and bars. Use of meal replacements in the diet
has been shown to result in a 7–8% weight loss.
A current area of controversy is the use of
low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets for weight loss. These diets are based on
the concept that carbohydrates are the primary cause of obesity and lead to
insulin resistance. Most low-carbohydrate diets (e.g., South Beach, Zone, and
Sugar Busters!) recommend a carbohydrate level of approximately 40–46% of
energy. The Atkins diet contains 5–15% carbohydrate, depending on the phase of
the diet. Several randomized, controlled trials of these low-carbohydrate diets
have demonstrated greater weight loss at 6 months with improvement in coronary
heart disease risk factors, including an increase in HDL cholesterol and a
decrease in triglyceride levels. Weight loss between groups did not remain
statistically significant at 1 year; however, low-carbohydrate diets appear to
be at least as effective as low-fat diets in inducing weight loss for up to 1
Another dietary approach to consider is the concept of
energy density, which refers to the number of calories (energy) a food contains
per unit of weight. People tend to ingest a constant volume of food, regardless
of caloric or macronutrient content. Adding water or fiber to a food decreases
its energy density by increasing weight without affecting caloric content.
Examples of foods with low-energy density include soups, fruits, vegetables,
oatmeal, and lean meats. Dry foods and high-fat foods such as pretzels, cheese,
egg yolks, potato chips, and red meat have a high-energy density. Diets
containing low-energy dense foods have been shown to control hunger and result
in decreased caloric intake and weight loss.
Occasionally, very-low-calorie diets (VLCDs) are prescribed
as a form of aggressive dietary therapy. The primary purpose of a VLCD is to
promote a rapid and significant (13–23 kg) short-term weight loss over a 3–6
month period. These propriety formulas typically supply
Physical Activity Therapy
Although exercise alone is only moderately effective for
weight loss, the combination of dietary modification and exercise is the most
effective behavioral approach for the treatment of obesity. The most important
role of exercise appears to be in the maintenance of the weight loss. Currently,
the minimum public health recommendation for physical activity is 30 min
of moderate intensity physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of the
week. Focusing on simple ways to add physical activity into the normal daily
routine through leisure activities, travel, and domestic work should be
suggested. Examples include walking, using the stairs, doing home and yard work,
and engaging in sport activities. Asking the patient to wear a pedometer to
monitor total accumulation of steps as part of the activities of daily living is
a useful strategy. Step counts are highly correlated with activity level.
Studies have demonstrated that lifestyle activities are as effective as
structured exercise programs for improving cardiorespiratory fitness and weight
loss. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 summarizes compelling evidence
that at least 60–90 min of daily moderate-intensity physical activity (420–630
min per week) is needed to sustain weight loss (
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that overweight and obese
individuals progressively increase to a minimum of 150 min of moderate intensity
physical activity per week as a first goal. However, for long-term weight loss,
a higher level of exercise (e.g., 200–300 min or
Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to help change and
reinforce new dietary and physical activity behaviors. Strategies include
self-monitoring techniques (e.g., journaling, weighing, and measuring food and
activity); stress management; stimulus control (e.g., using smaller plates, not
eating in front of the television or in the car); social support; problem
solving; and cognitive restructuring to help patients develop more positive and
realistic thoughts about themselves. When recommending any behavioral lifestyle
change, have the patient identify what, when, where, and how the behavioral
change will be performed. The patient should keep a record of the anticipated
behavioral change so that progress can be reviewed at the next office visit.
Because these techniques are time-consuming to implement, they are often
provided by ancillary office staff such as a nurse clinician or registered
Adjuvant pharmacologic treatments should be considered for
patients with a BMI >30 kg/m2 or with a BMI >27
kg/m2 who also have concomitant obesity-related diseases and for whom
dietary and physical activity therapy has not been successful. When prescribing
an antiobesity medication, patients should be actively engaged in a lifestyle
program that provides the strategies and skills needed to effectively use the
drug since this support increases total weight loss.
There are several potential targets of pharmacologic
therapy for obesity. The most thoroughly explored treatment is suppression of
appetite via centrally active medications that alter monoamine
neurotransmitters. A second strategy is to reduce the absorption of selective
macronutrients from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, such as fat. These two
mechanisms form the basis for all currently prescribed antiobesity agents. A
third target, selective blocking of the endocannabinoid system, has recently
been identified.
Centrally Acting Anorexiant Medications
Appetite-suppressing drugs, or anorexiants, affect
satiety—the absence of hunger after eating—and hunger—a biologic sensation that
initiates eating. By increasing satiety and decreasing hunger, these agents help
patients reduce caloric intake without a sense of deprivation. The target site
for the actions of anorexiants is the ventromedial and lateral hypothalamic
regions in the central nervous system (Chap. 74). Their biological effect on
appetite regulation is produced by augmenting the neurotransmission of three
monoamines: norepinephrine; serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)]; and, to a
lesser degree, dopamine. The classic sympathomimetic adrenergic agents
(benzphetamine, phendimetrazine, diethylpropion, mazindol, and phentermine)
function by stimulating norepinephrine release or by blocking its reuptake. In
contrast, sibutramine (Meridia) functions as a serotonin and norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitor. Unlike other previously used anorexiants, sibutramine is not
pharmacologically related to amphetamine and has no addictive potential.
Sibutramine is the only anorexiant that is currently
approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for long-term use. It
produces an average loss of about 5–9% of initial body weight at 12 months.
Sibutramine has been demonstrated to maintain weight loss for up to 2 years. The
most commonly reported adverse events of sibutramine are headache, dry mouth,
insomnia, and constipation. These are generally mild and well-tolerated. The
principal concern is a dose-related increase in blood pressure and heart rate
that may require discontinuation of the medication. A dose of 10–15 mg/d causes
an average increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure of 2–4 mmHg and an
increase in heart rate of 4–6 beats/min. For this reason, all patients should be
monitored closely and evaluated within 1 month after initiating therapy. The
risk of adverse effects on blood pressure are no greater in patients with
controlled hypertension than in those who do not have hypertension, and the drug
does not appear to cause cardiac valve dysfunction. Contraindications to
sibutramine use include uncontrolled hypertension, congestive heart failure,
symptomatic coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, or history of stroke. Similar
to other antiobesity medications, weight reduction is enhanced when the drug is
used along with behavioral therapy, and body weight increases when the
medication is discontinued.
Peripherally Acting Medications
Orlistat (Xenical) is a synthetic hydrogenated derivative
of a naturally occurring lipase inhibitor, lipostatin, produced by the mold
Streptomyces toxytricini. Orlistat is a potent, slowly reversible
inhibitor of pancreatic, gastric, and carboxylester lipases and phospholipase
A2, which are required for the hydrolysis of dietary fat into fatty acids and
monoacylglycerols. The drug acts in the lumen of the stomach and small intestine
by forming a covalent bond with the active site of these lipases. Taken at a
therapeutic dose of 120 mg tid, orlistat blocks the digestion and absorption of
about 30% of dietary fat. After discontinuation of the drug, fecal fat usually
returns to normal concentrations within 48–72 h.
Multiple randomized, 1–2 year double-blind,
placebo-controlled studies have shown that after one year, orlistat produces a
weight loss of about 9–10%, compared with a 4–6% weight loss in the
placebo-treated groups. Because orlistat is minimally (<1%) absorbed from the
GI tract, it has no systemic side effects. Tolerability to the drug is related
to the malabsorption of dietary fat and subsequent passage of fat in the feces.
GI tract adverse effects are reported in at least 10% of orlistat-treated
patients. These include flatus with discharge, fecal urgency, fatty/oily stool,
and increased defecation. These side effects are generally experienced early,
diminish as patients control their dietary fat intake, and infrequently cause
patients to withdraw from clinical trials. Psyllium mucilloid is helpful in
controlling the orlistat-induced GI side effects when taken concomitantly with
the medication. Serum concentrations of the fat-soluble vitamins D and E and
The Endocannabinoid System
Cannabinoid receptors and their endogenous ligands have
been implicated in a variety of physiologic functions, including feeding,
modulation of pain, emotional behavior, and peripheral lipid metabolism.
Cannabis and its main ingredient, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is
an exogenous cannabinoid compound. Two endocannabinoids have been identified,
anandamide and 2-arachidonyl glyceride. Two cannabinoid receptors have been
identified: CB1 (abundant in the brain) and CB2 (present
in immune cells). The brain endocannabinoid system is thought to control food
intake through reinforcing motivation to find and consume foods with high
incentive value and to regulate actions of other mediators of appetite. The
first selective cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist, rimonabant, was
discovered in 1994. The medication antagonizes the orexigenic effect of THC and
suppresses appetite when given alone in animal models. Several large
prospective, randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of
rimonabant as a weight-loss agent. Taken as a 20 mg dose, subjects lost an
average of 6.5 kg (14.32 lb) compared to 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) for placebo at 1 year.
Concomitant improvements were seen in waist circumference and cardiovascular
risk factors. The most common reported side effects include depression, anxiety,
and nausea. FDA approval of Rimonabant is still pending.
Bariatric surgery can be considered for patients with
severe obesity (BMI
Weight-loss surgeries fall into one of two categories:
restrictive and restrictive-malabsorptive (Fig. 75-2). Restrictive surgeries
limit the amount of food the stomach can hold and slow the rate of gastric
emptying. The vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) is the prototype of this
category but is currently performed on a very limited basis due to lack of
effectiveness in long-term trials. Laparoscopic adjustable silicone gastric
banding (LASGB) has replaced the VBG as the most commonly performed restrictive
operation. The first banding device, the lap-band, was approved for use in the
United States in 2001. In contrast to previous devices, the diameter of this
band is adjustable by way of its connection to a reservoir that is implanted
under the skin. Injection or removal of saline into the reservoir tightens or
loosens the band's internal diameter, thus changing the size of the gastric
The three restrictive-malabsorptive bypass procedures
combine the elements of gastric restriction and selective malabsorption. These
procedures include Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), biliopancreatic diversion
(BPD), and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPDDS) (Fig. 75-2).
RYGB is the most commonly performed and accepted bypass procedure. It may be
performed with an open incision or laparoscopically.
Although no recent randomized controlled trials compare
weight loss after surgical and nonsurgical interventions, data from
meta-analyses and large databases, primarily obtained from observational
studies, suggest that bariatric surgery is the most effective weight-loss
therapy for those with clinically severe obesity. These procedures generally
produce a 30–35% average total body weight loss that is maintained in nearly 60%
of patients at 5 years. In general, mean weight loss is greater after the
combined restrictive-malabsorptive procedures compared to the restrictive
procedures. An abundance of data supports the positive impact of bariatric
surgery on obesity-related morbid conditions, including diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, dyslipidemia, and nonalcoholic fatty
liver disease.
Surgical mortality from bariatric surgery is generally
<1% but varies with the procedure, patient's age and comorbid conditions, and
experience of the surgical team. The most common surgical complications include
stomal stenosis or marginal ulcers (occurring in 5–15% of patients) that present
as prolonged nausea and vomiting after eating or inability to advance the diet
to solid foods. These complications are typically treated by endoscopic balloon
dilatation and acid suppression therapy, respectively. For patients who undergo
LASGB, there are no intestinal absorptive abnormalities other than mechanical
reduction in gastric size and outflow. Therefore, selective deficiencies occur
uncommonly unless eating habits become unbalanced. In contrast, the
restrictive-malabsorptive procedures increase risk for micronutrient
deficiencies of vitamin B12, iron, folate, calcium, and vitamin D.
Patients with restrictive-malabsorptive procedures require lifelong
supplementation with these micronutrients.
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